TC_ID: 001

Title: Search bar functionality

Preconditions: Access website

Steps Summary Priority Datos de entrada Steps to follow Resultado esperado Resultado obtenido Environment Pass/fail Bug ID
1 Check the search bar response by not typing any characters. ➡ N/A 1. Open the search bar.
  1. Do not enter any characters and try to search by results. | No results are displayed or the search is not allowed. | It does not redirect to any item. | Windows 10 - Chrome | Pass | 🆓 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 | Use an invalid format in the search bar. | ➡ | Use “*” symbol | 1. Open the search bar.

  2. Insert the “” symbol and search results | An error that there are no products based on the search | Received an error: We could not find anything for "” | Windows 10 - Chrome | Pass | 🆓 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3 | Validate that the "Popular Search Terms" redirects to the indicated link | ⬇ | N/A | 1. Open the search bar.

  3. Click on the “Air Force 1” popular link.

  4. Click on the “Jordan” popular link.

  5. Click on the “Air Max” popular link.

  6. Click on the “Blazer” popular link. | Each link should redirect to the indicated link and display the items of each section. | In step 5 “Air Max” link shows an incorrect result, as shows “Kukini” shoe, is not related to Air Max. | Windows 10 - Chrome | Fail | Notion: PRAC-9 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4 | Validate that the function only shows related items | ⬇ | Air Force 1 black | 1. Open the search bar.

  7. Type “Air Force 1 black” shoes

  8. Click on “top suggestions” for the respective word.

  9. Scroll down for results. | It should show only the results similar to the search | Items that are of different colors are displayed | Windows 10 - Chrome | Fail | Notion: PRAC-10 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5 | Verify the behavior when a user tries to navigate through the popular search terms using keyboard navigation (tab key). | ➡ | | 1. Open the search bar.

  10. Scroll with the keyboard to the first “popular search terms” and tap “enter”.

  11. Go to the search bar scroll down to the second one and tap “enter”

  12. Go to the search bar scroll to the third term and tap “enter”

  13. Go to the search bar scroll to the fourth term and tap “enter” | Keyboard functionality should display the list of items related to the popular term when pressing enter. | With the keys, the result is found and redirected to the respective "popular search term”

Note: In this case, it was validated that it finds results to validate the functionality of the keys, there is an incorrect item result that was reported with the bug ID: PRAC-9 | Windows 10 - Chrome | Pass | 🆓 | | | | | | | | | | | |

TC_ID: 002

Title: Cart add/remove functionality

Preconditions: Launch the website,

Steps Summary Priority Datos de entrada Steps to follow Resultado esperado Resultado obtenido Environment Pass/fail Bug ID
1 We will check that items can be added to the cart correctly and that the correct quantities are displayed. ⬆ N/A 1. Look for any product.
  1. Select the size.

  2. Click on “add to bag”.

  3. Tap on “view bag”. | The items added with their respective sizes and quantities are reflected in the cart. | The items that were added in the first steps are displayed correctly. | Windows 10 - Chrome | Pass | 🆓 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 2 | The functionality of adding an item to the cart with the maximum number of items will be tested to verify that the summary is reflected correctly and also when it is removed. | ➡ | Have an item added to the cart(Nike Air Force 1 '07 LV8) | 1. Go to cart.

  4. Add the maximum quantity (10) of the product

  5. Remove from cart | The product is deleted correctly and is reflected in the summary/total | The articles are removed and the summary is updated. | Windows 10 - Chrome | Pass | 🆓 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 3 | The functionality and the error of a maximum number of items will be checked when adding more than 10 items. | ⬆ | Have 2 itemS added to the cart(Nike Air Force 1 '07 LV8)

Each item is of a different size. | 1. Select 1 quantity in a size.

  1. Select 10 quantities in the other size.

  2. Click on “checkout”. | A message that the quantity limit has been reached is displayed. | When changing the quantity of the second item, the first one is automatically removed without any error displayed | Windows 10 - Chrome | Fail | Notion: PRAC-11 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 4 | The functionality of the "quantity" is valued and the quantity responds correctly when adding or removing sizes. | ➡ | Have an item added to the cart(Nike Air Force 1 '07 LV8) | 1. Go to cart.

  3. Change the quantity of the item from 1 to 10 to validate all the options.

  4. When changing quantity, proceed to checkout.

  5. Return with the “edit” button.

  6. Select a different amount and return to checkout. | The changes are reflected in the summary and the checkout reflects the amount indicated. | Quantity changes were reflected at checkout with the respective price. | Windows 10 - Chrome | Pass | 🆓 | | | | | | | | | | | | | 5 | It will be verified that the “size” option works correctly when it is changed in the drop-down menu. | ➡ | Have an item added to the cart(Nike Air Force 1 '07 LV8) | 1. Go to cart.

  7. Change the size of the item from the smallest to the largest.

  8. Every time you change sizes, proceed to checkout.

  9. Return with the “edit” button

  10. Select a different size and return to checkout. | Every time the size is changed, it is reflected in the checkout with the selected size. | The size is reflected at checkout with each change made. | Windows 10 - Chrome | Pass | 🆓 | | | | | | | | | | | |

TC_ID: 003

Title: Verify all foot links y su redirecciĂłn

Preconditions: Open the website and click on the Nike Footer.